CLASS 5|| EVS|| LESSON - 3|| From Tasting to Digesting||


Chapter 3

From Tasting To Digesting

1.     Do you like only one kind of taste or different ones? Why?
Ans. I like different kinds of taste. Only one taste can be boring.

2.    How did Jhumpa make out the fried fish? Can you guess the names of certain things only by their smell, without seeing or tasting them? What are these things?
Ans. Jhumpa made out the fried fish by its smell. Yes, I can guess many things only by their smell. For example; I can guess fish, omlette, samosa, pakodi, etc. by their smell.

3.    Has anyone ever told you to hold your nose before taking a medicine? Why do you think they tell you to do this?
Ans. Sense of smell helps in getting the complete taste of a food. In case of medicine, closing the nose, will somewhat mask the taste of medicine. This may be the reason why we are told to close our nose while taking a medicine.

4.      Would you be able to manage without drinking water for two days? Where do you think the water that we drink goes?
Ans. No, I will not be able to manage without water for two days. I will not be able to manage even for a day. I think the water is used by our body for various functions. Excess water is removed in the form of urine and sweat.

5.    Nitu’s teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose while playing hockey. Why do you think she did this?
Ans. Lot of sweating happens when you play outdoor games. This results in loss of water, sugar and salt from the body. This can sap your energy. Glucose solution quickly replenishes lost water and sugar. That is why Nitu’s teacher used to tell the girls to have glucose while they were playing hockey.


6.    Talk with your grandparents or elderly people and find out what they ate and what work they did when they were of your age. Now think about yourself— your daily activities and daily diet. Are these similar or different from what your grandparents did and ate?
Ans. My grandparents used to eat rice, dal, green vegetables, milk and lot of fresh fruits. They used to do lot of physical activities. They used to walk two miles to go to school. They used to play games which involved lot of physical activities. The modern times have changed. We do eat rice, dal and vegetables, but we also take many junk food. I go to school by school bus. Major part of my free time is spent sitting on sofa, watching TV or playing computer games. We do less amount of physical activities.


7.    Why can you not taste food properly when you have a cold?
Ans. We know that the sense of smell helps in getting the complete taste of food. In case of common cold, our nose is blocked, which blocks the sense of smell. That is why we are unable to taste food properly in case of cold.

8.   If we were to say that “digestion begins in the mouth”, how would you explain this? Write.
Ans. The salivary glands are present in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive enzymes. The enzyme from saliva helps in breaking complex sugars into simple sugars. Thus, it can be said that digestion begins in the mouth.



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