Chapter 5
Seeds And Seeds
1. What things are
soaked before cooking in your house? Why? .
Ans. Following
things are soaked before cooking:
Chana, moong, dry pea, rajma, soyabean, pulses, rice, etc.
These things become soft after soaking. This makes it easier to grind them and
to cook them. This helps in saying time and energy. .
2. What things do you eat after sprouting? How are they sprouted?
How much time does it take?
Ans. We eat
chana, moong, etc. after sprouting. They Eire soaked in water overnight. Then
the water is drained out and they are kept in a basket or suspended in a cloth
so that they can get air.
Chana takes about 36-48 hours to sprout, while moong takes about 24-36 hours.
3. Think what would
happen, if seeds did not spread and remained at one place only?
Ans. If seeds
would not spread and would remain at one place only, there can be many problems
for those seeds. All the seeds would fall near the parent tree. This will
prevent those seeds from getting enough sunlight, air and water. As
a result, most of the seeds would fail to germinate. New saplings, growing
under a tree would not grow properly.
4. Make a list of the different ways by which seeds are spread.
Ans. Seeds
are spread by following agents: –
(а) Animals (6) Humans (c)Air (d) Water.
5. What all was grown in India long ago? Were mangoes and bananas
grown here? What came from other countries? Imagine food without potatoes or
Ans. In
India, many crops like tea, mango, orange, radish, methi, spinach, etc. were
grown long ago. Yes, mangoes and bananas were grown here.
Tomato and potatoes, chillies, coffee, etc. have come from other countries. We
cannot imagine a proper vegetable curiy without tomato. Potato is used in most
of the dishes. Such dishes would not be possible without potatoes and tomatoes.
How do seeds
spread to far off places? Write in your own words.
Ans. (a) Seeds are spread by birds, animals, air and water.
Many animals eat a fruit
and throw the seeds. Thus these animals help in
spreading seeds.
(b) Some seeds stick to the fur of animals and
thus are transported to other places.
(c) Some seeds have thin hairs and are
lightweight. These seeds float on air and travel to other places.
(d) Some seeds float on water and thus travel to
far off places.
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