CLASS - 6 // SUBJECT - ENGLISH // POEM - The Wonderful Words //
POEM - The Wonderful Words FILL THE BLANKS Do not let a thought shrivel and die because you don’t know how to say it English is a wonderful game with words that everyone can play. One has to match the words to the brightest thoughts in one’s head Words are the food and dress of thought. SHORT ANSWERS Question 1. Why did the poet say that “English is a wonderful game”? Answer: English is a wonderful game because we can play with words and frame them in such a way as to convey desired message. Question 2. Who can liberate thoughts from our mind? Answer: Words can liberate thoughts from our mind. Thoughts and ideas are being held captive in our mind. Question 3. What has not been said yet according to the poem? Answer: Many lovely things have not been said yet and they need to be conveyed in a beautiful way. Question 4. Where can we find a new surprise? Answer: We can find a marvelous new surprise in our mind. ...