
CLASS - 5 // SUBJECT - EVS // Chapter 15 // Blow Hot, Blow Cold //

  Chapter 15 Blow Hot, Blow Cold 1.    Have you warmed your hands in winter by blowing on them when they are cold? How does it feel? Ans.  Yes, I have warmed my hands in winter by blowing on them when they are cold. It feels quite comfortable. 2.    Blow hard from your mouth onto your hands. How did you find the air from your mouth as compared to the air around? Was it hotter or cooler? Ans.   When I blow hard from my mouth onto my hands; the air from my mouth feels hotter as compared to the air around. 3.    Now put your hands at some distance from your mouth and blow again. Does the air from your mouth feel warm? Why? Ans.  When hands are put at some distance from the mouth; the air blown from the mouth does not feel much warm. This happens because the air travels some distance and gets mixdd up with the air around. 4.    Can you think of any other way in which you use the warmth from your breath? Ans.  Yes, I can think of another way in which the warmth from breath is


Chapter 14 When The Earth Shook! 1.      A lot of people from other places came to Jasma’s village. Who were these people? In what ways would they have helped the villagers? Ans.   Many people came from cities to Jasma’s village. Some of them may have been from non-government organisations. Some of them were scientists. Some of them may have been doctors and medical personnel. They would have helped by bringing in the much needed relief. They brought food, clothes, medicines, etc. The scientists wanted to identify areas which were more prone to getting earthquakes. They also wanted to build houses which would not have been damaged in case of an earthquake. 2.     Think, if there were an earthquake where you live, would your house be in danger? What kind of damage could take place? Ans.  In case of an earthquake in my area, my house would definitely be in danger. The walls can develop cyacks and in the worst case roofs can collapse. Household items like TV, fridge, etc. would a


  Chapter 13 A Shelter So High! 1.    During winters, Tashi and his family live on the ground floor. Why would they be doing so? Ans.  There are no windows on the ground floor. This would keep the room warm even during winters. That is why Tashi and his family live on the ground floor; during winters. 2.    What is the roof of your house like? What all is the roof used for? Ans.   The roof of my house is flat and is made of bricks and cement. We use the roof for drying clothes and also for drying potato chips, papad, baid, aam papad, etc. During summers we also sleep on the rooftop. 3.    Why did Gaurav Jani say—“This place is so high that it is difficult to breathe normally?” Ans.  The air becomes thinner when go to high altitudes. The level of oxygen in air becomes less. Hence, it becomes difficult to breathe. One needs to apply lot of effort to breathe in at high altitudes. 4.    Which is the highest place you have been to? Ans.  The highest place I have been to is Roh