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  LESSON – 2 THE CONTROL PANEL 1.       Name the tabs in the mouse properties dialog box. What are they used for? The tabs in the mouse properties dialog box are: a.       Buttons – it is the default tab that opens each time the mouse properties dialog box appears. b.       The pointers tab – it lists a variety of schemes. These schemes give you alternatives to choose different styles of mouse pointers. c.        Pointer options – it also lists various options related to the pointer. d.       There are three more tables in the Mouse properties dialog box. These are wheels, hardware and device settings tabs. These tabs are used to view and change the scrolling speed and other properties of the mouse.   2.       How will you change the taskbar settings? The following steps should be followed to change the taskbar settings. a.       Check the lock the taskbar option to avoid the taskbar from being moved to any other position b.       Check the auto-hide the taskbar


LESSON 1 EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER 1.      Give two examples of second generation computers. Examples of second generation computers are: UNIVAC III, IBM 700. 2.      What are desktop computers used for? Desktop computer is used for regular computing operations from a specified place such as an office. 3.      What are handheld computers? Handheld computers are also known as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). They are small in comparison with laptop and can be carried anywhere.   4.      Write a short note on ENIAC. The ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and computer) was developed by John W. Mauchly and J. Prosper Eckert, two American scientists. This machine used decimal digits instead of binary digits. The ENIAC was the first high-speed electronic digital computer. It was used from 1946-1955.   5.      Write a short note on Pascaline. In 1642, the young French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal developed an adding machine called Pascaline, whi


  CHAPTER – 3 THE SHEPHERD’S TREASURE     1.       Who visited the shepherded one day, and why? The king of the country visited the shepherd, because he had heard a lot about the wisdom and friendliness of the shepherd. Also, the shepherd held the power to solve the problems of people through his wisdom and common sense. So, he wanted to meet him.   2.       Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd? The governors grew jealous because the fame of the shepherd as a governor grew day by day. Even after rising to power of dignity, the shepherd remained humble. People admired him and respected him for his wisdom, sympathy and generosity.   3.       Why was the new governor called to the palace? The new governor was called to the palace as the king also became suspicious regarding the iron chest he carried. The jealous governors had already talked and reported so much against him that the king could not ignore the reports and called him to the palace to

CLASS - 6 // SUBJECT - ENGLISH - SUPPLEMENTARY READER // CHAPTER - 2 // The Friendly Mongoose //

  CHAPTER 2 The Friendly Mongoose   1.       Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house? The farmer and his wife had a baby. They wanted him to have a companion to play with. So, the farmer brought a baby mongoose into the house.   2.       Why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose? The farmer’s wife did not want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose because she was scared that the mongoose might harm her child.   3.       What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears? The farmer assured his wife that the mongoose was a friendly animal and it wouldn’t hurt their baby. The farmer also said that the mongoose was as sweet as their baby, and they were best friends.   4.       Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket? When the farmer’s wife reached home with her basket, she saw the mongoose at the door with his face and paws covered with blood. She thought that the mongoose had killed her b


    Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds 1.       How did the two baby birds get separated? The two baby birds lived with their mother in a nest in a tall and shady tree. One day, there was a big storm with thunder, lightning and rain. A big, heavy branch hit the nest and killed the mother bird. The strong wind blew the two baby birds away to the other side of the forest and separated them from each other.   2.       Where did each of them find a home? One of the baby birds came down near a cave where a gang of robbers lived. The other baby bird landed outside a rishi’s ashram a little distance away. Thus, they found two different homes.   3.       What did the first bird say to the stranger? The first bird saw the stranger, i.e., the King. He called the robbers to come quickly and rob the King of his jewels and his horse. The bird had indirectly warned the stranger of the consequences of sitting near the cave.   4.       What did the second bird say to him? The seco